Traffic Enforcement for Communities

Contact us below for a FREE Traffic Study of your Community!


Speed Detection & Stop Sign Enforcement

Access control systems and surveillance cameras can help monitor who enters or leaves the community, but one of the most difficult challenges is maintaining traffic safety. The dangers of speeding and stopping at stop signs are not just for residents, but they also harm the peace in these communities. TechPro security offers a comprehensive solution to traffic management in gated communities.

    Why Traffic Control Matters for Gated Communities

    Gated communities provide residents with a tranquil, safe and secure environment. Nevertheless, if traffic control measures are not implemented, this safety could be compromised. Drivers who speed and ignore stop signs are a danger to not only other vehicles, but also pedestrians, cyclists and children.

    The challenge is usually in the enforcement. While homeowners’ associations or property managers can set rules, it is difficult to enforce them without a dedicated software system. TechPro Security’s traffic enforcement as a service can be a game changer for gated communities.

    License Plate Recognition

    Lower the potential for accidents and increase safety for residents and guests.

    Radar Speed Cameras

    Capture car details to identify and address all infractions in real-time.

    Stop Sign Violation Cameras

    Issue appropriate warnings or tickets with license plate capture cameras.

    How it Works

    TechPro's Traffic Enforcement Service

    TechPro Security makes it simple for gated communities implement effective traffic control without any expense or hassle. This is how our traffic enforcement as a service operates:

    1. Traffic Study: We start by performing a thorough traffic survey in your locality. This allows us to identify areas of high speeding and stop sign violations.

    2. Installation of Cameras at No Cost. Once we have determined the best locations to enforce, we install radar-speed enforcement cameras as well as stop-sign violation detection cameras at no cost for the community. No need to worry about installation or equipment costs. We handle everything.

    3. Monitoring and Ticketing After installation, TechPro Security monitors the cameras continuously for traffic violations. From reviewing the footage to identifying violators, we handle the whole process. We send tickets to vendors or residents who violate traffic laws, in the name and on behalf of your community.

    4. Revenue Share: TechPro Security shares the revenue from fines generated by violations with the community. This provides an added benefit to HOAs or management. This partnership allows for communities to improve safety without incurring upfront costs, while earning potential income from the enforcement programs.

    Let Techpro show you how easy it can be to make your community a safer place today!

    It is important to ensure the safety of residents in gated communities by implementing effective traffic controls. TechPro Security offers a hassle-free traffic enforcement as a service that allows you to easily combat speeding and stop signs violations.

    Contact TechPro Security today for more information about our traffic control solutions that can benefit your gated community. We can show you how easy it is to make a neighborhood safer and generate revenue for the community.